Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back in Florida

So it seemed like a good time to leave Wisconsin with all the awful weather we had been having!

So I got back to Florida on Monday night.  It was so nice to go right to the apartment :) Marc surprised me by shaving his beard! It is taking me awhile to get used to it! He also got me some thoughtful gifts from Africa, and we looked over all his photos and videos! They were AMAZING! He is so talented :)

Marc has been working right away and I have been relaxing.. I finished up all my photo edits so that was great!

We will be moving to our new place this weekend so I am excited for that :) And for the Super Bowl!

Marc has today off so we are enjoying each other for now!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It's January 2014!! I'm WAYYY Behind:)

Soooo... a lot has clearly happened since July!! Marc and I worked all summer on that boat together and in November decided to step off and spend the holidays at home with our families.  We have enjoyed it THOROUGHLY!!! I am now spending the last couple weeks at home as Marc is on an exciting vacation.

Marc wanted to come home also to prep for his trip to Africa! He and his friend Sean had been planning to hike Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania since the beginning of summer.  Marc and Sean are currently (About to) start day three of their climb!! I just hope they are having a ball and I cannot wait to see pictures and of course more than anything HEAR from him!! I will on Monday hopefully.

I am very ready and excited to be going back to Florida.  My only issue is the couple of winter pounds that have found me while being home! But I will work on that even better when I am back in the sunshine.  Marc and I have a place of our own picked out and will look for a new boat once we get there.

I will TRY and be better about blogging.  I just forget sometimes! :/

Goals for 2014:

1) Lose some weight, Be healthier.
2) Find a new, wonderful job together AFTER enjoying living together alone in Florida for a while :)
3) Read more!! Less internet.
4) Take more photos, write more poems- I used to really enjoy those things.
5) Be better with money.. I do want to buy myself a new computer this year but other than that, student loans and saving!!

Can't wait to update when I am back in Florida.. Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Update For Ya'lls

So, it CLEARLY has been a long time since I've updated our situation here!!!

Marc and I got hired on the same boat :) We are currently in TN and working hard.  It is very pretty here and reminds me so much of the trail.  The yacht we are on has its own dock at a local marina and the owners usually come aboard on weekends and travel up and down the Tennessee River.

We are working with a Captain and Stew that are engaged.  They have been on board for 3 years.  So we are learning a lot from them.

When we first got here we took a drive and actually went and visited the Appalachian trail!! It was so beautiful and brought back so many memories :)  We even got to talk to some hikers at one of the shelters we stayed at.  We found our old journal entries which was pretty neat to see!

Since being here, we haven't done a ton of venturing out, but we did take a 4 hour drive to stay with Sammie and Jeremiah one night.  That was a very nice time! We hope to do it again soon.  It'd be fun to camp out a night or something like that.

                                               Miss and love everyone back at home!